TikToks little dirty secret

PLUS: 5 work place tools of the future

Good Afternoon Pigeoneers! Late one today, sorry, this is the Robot Pigeon. The daily AI newsletter full of Tools, News and Pics to keep you FRESH!

We’re like that 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash you buy in college to save ££'s.

We've found you ....

🛠 5 Cool New AI Tools of the Future

📰 3 Of the latest AI news updates summarized and explained

📷 1 Amazing AI Pic of the Day

Now lets get to it ...

5 of the latest AI Tools from the Future ...

Stork Great for remote working teams. With Stork, all video and voice meetings and calls are recorded and transcribed, so those who miss a meeting can read transcriptions later. Stork also replicates the office water cooler by making it easy to start a live conversation in any channel, whether it's audio-only, text, or video

PostwiseAI I'm currently testing this app, in short it helps craft engaging twitter posts and schedules them too

TimeTo Not released yet, but you can join the waiting list. It promises to customize and deploy automations to accelerate team productivity. An AI scheduler.

Leornado.AI Create game assets in 3D using Ai tech. This looks very powerful and is still in its early stages.

ChartAI is the first AI driven diagramming application that helps professionals making diagrams and charts in 2 seconds with AI. Simply input your diagram requirements, and let chartAI do the rest. Within minutes, you'll have professional-looking diagrams or charts that are ready to use.

Slack has now added AI to its interface, amazing to think every major software has changed their operating systems in the last 4 months ...

• Slack has integrated ChatGPT, an AI-powered bot, into its platform which can draft messages, summarize conversations and threads, and answer queries.

• Salesforce has created a separate generative AI system called Einstein which also integrates with OpenAI's technology but allows users to access third-party AI models.

Arguably one of the biggest developments for AI yet. Mirror and Express owner publishes first articles written using AI...

• Reach, owner of the Daily Mirror and Express, tested AI content production in its first attempt, publishing three AI-written articles on the local news site InYourArea.co.uk

• CEO Jim Mullen clarified the use of AI as a focus to automate data-based content and not an agenda to cut human staff, with 4,000 employees representing their biggest cost

• Despite Reach forecasting a 5-6% reduction in £498m cost base this year, investors expressed concern for the tough trading environment accompanied by sustained inflation and suppressed digital ad markets

Wanna know TikTok's little secret? .... its using AI for its filters ...

• TikTok rolled out AI tools for filters last month, including an eyebrow eraser, lip puckering effect and smiling effect.

• Bold Glamour is one of the most impressive face filters yet and appears to be a first look at how AI-powered tools could make face transformations harder to detect.

• The filter heavily transforms users’ faces in a predominantly believable way, making their features appear more symmetrical and smooth.

• It's likely using Machine Learning technologies, particularly Generative Adversarial Networks, to compare a user's facial features to those of other images in order to create the new look.

• The technology used isn't particularly groundbreaking, but it's been brought to mobile devices with minimal glitches in real-time.

Amazing AI Pic of the Day ...

"AI has designed my daughters dream bedroom!"

That's all for today! Loads of features to add to the up and coming editions, please let me know what you like, don't like and features that you would love to see next!

Enjoy your Day! ... Phil

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